We have some really good friends visiting us from Connecticut. They arrived last night. So we bought some snacks to munch on while we caught up. Of course we had a couple of bottles of wine too - - Cellar No. 8 Cabernet from California and Cerejeiras Red from Portugal - both were quite tasty.
I picked up some cheese made by Cowgirl Creamery. My favorite cheese of theirs is the Mt. Tam Triple Cream Brie. The store I stopped at for the cheese was out of the Mt. Tam so I picked up The Red Hawk instead.
I didn't notice the scent of the cheese at first. Then I really started to smell it in the car. So I opened up the back windows. By the time I picked up our friends from the airport and got home you could REALLY smell the cheese. I was beginning to wonder what I would find when I opened the package. I was imagining something green and fuzzy.
Well, we got all the snacks together and gave it a test. It tasted MUCH better than it smelled. It was creamy and delicious. My friend Kerry really liked it. Don wouldn't try it. He couldn't get past the smell. I'm not sure why it smells so much. But thankfully, it tasted good. Put a little wedge on a cracker with some fig spread. Mmm, mmm, good.
I just looked up the cheese on the Cowgirl Creamery website. It says it's a triple cream, washed-rind, fully-flavored cheese made from organic cow's milk from the Straus Family dairy. It's aged six weeks and washed with a brine solution that promotes the growth of bacteria that tints the rind a sunset orange. They forgot to add, "and gives it a lovely, stinky aroma." Oh well. At least it tasted good. Now hopefully the fridge won't get too stinky. ewwwww.
Tonight we're going to Kokkari for Greek food. Should be a good time! I'll tell you all about it next week.