Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Halibut with Panko and Parmesan crust

My wonderful hubby, Don, made dinner last night. Halibut with panko and parmesan crust, broccoli rabe and brown rice from Trader Joe's.

Don is all about pan frying the halibut, hence the golden crust. I asked him what his secret ingredient is and he said "butter." So I guess this isn't the healthiest way to serve fish, but boy was it yummy. He cooked it for 4 minutes on each size and it was perfectly tender.

He melted the leftover buerre blanc butter sauce that I made a while back and drizzled it over the fish at the end. No recipe with this one. You just have to wing it.

1 comment:

  1. Kris, I'm embarrassed to admit that I did not know what "panko" was. Had to google it. Is it available in most supermarkets or do I need to go to a specialty market to find it?


Thanks for your feedback!
