Clearly I have a lot to learn as far as shooting video in a large gymnasium! Trying to zoom in on your subject, while watching the show doesn't really give the camera a chance to focus on anything. So I need to get my video editor (Don) to cut together a few snippets for you to see. Until then, you're stuck with looking at still shots. Oh well.
You'll just have to trust me that the circus camp show was very entertaining. Every kid was grinning ear to ear. You could tell they all really enjoyed their week at camp.
The grand finale "Peanut Butter Jelly."
Elli and her new friend Sienna.
Elli and her good friend Lea.
The Circus Center has classes for kids all year long. They may even have classes for adults. I'm not sure. It would be fun to learn how to fly through the air on the trapeze, right?
If that's too much for you, or traveling into SF is not practical. Like say you live in North Carolina, then I recommend reading the book Water for Elephants. It's a story told by a 90 yr old man reminiscing about his years in the circus during the great depression. It's a a great summer read.
Since I'm on the subject of books, here are two other books recommended by Amazon - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
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