Originally I was just going to tell you about this amazing yummy chocolate. As I sit down and write this I read what is on the back of the box. It says: "ALPHA contains 50% of the recommended daily intake of Omega 3, a natural fatty acid known for it's beneficial effects on the heart, mind, and overall mood. OMG. Chocolate that will improve my mood. Even if it's only half of the recommended daily intake - I'll take it! I will whistle while I work! With a clear mind and a happy heart. I love happy, unexpected surprises like this.
When you first break open the chocolate you see a rich dark chocolate mixed with something. At first glance it looks like it has crunch inside (as in Nestle crunch.) But you soon discover they are pepper seeds. The first bite is all dark chocolate, rich and chocolatey, then you slowly get the slightest kick of a pepper in the back of your throat. Just enough and not too much. Mmm, mmmm, mmmm. Yumalicious.
I'm going to start reading the back of the wine bottle. I know they're bottling heart-healthy happiness in those bottles.
Click here to learn more: New Tree Chocolate You'll love their website. Their motto is "Eat chocolate stay healthy & happy."
Here's to good health and good chocolate!
Jacques Torres has a great warm feeling Wicked Hot Chocolate that features allspice, cinnamon, ground, sweet ancho chili peppers, and smoked, ground chipotle chili peppers! It is available in hic NYC based stores or on his websites store.
ReplyDeleteHi Kris, thanks for a cool review! You can get our stuff online now (www.newtree.com) and also learn more about what we love on our blog www.newtree.com/blog. Greetings from Brussels, Belgium!